Search Results for: walk the weight off

  • Are Your Vigorous Workouts Stalling Your Progress?

    [fl]H[/fl]IIT and vigorous workout regimes like it have been all the rage lately and for good reason. They are an amazing way to get a fantastic workout in a short amount of time. Also, when these types of workouts are done right, they can challenge your body in ways that you didn’t think possible...

  • Weekend Challenge: Build-A-Better-Butt Relay

    [fl]F[/fl]or many women, the butt is a problem area; it’s either too big and soft or too flat and flaccid! Your butt is actually a large muscle called your gluteus maximus but that is often abbreviated simply to glutes for short. Whatever you call it, your butt is a VERY important muscle – and n...

  • How To Handle Post-Workout Muscle Soreness

    If you exercise, at some point you are going to suffer from delayed onset muscle soreness, DOMS for short. While muscle soreness is common, it’s as yet unclear what causes your muscles to feel stiff and tender after some exercises and workouts. Current theories include: Accumulated lactic acid...

  • How To Avoid Knee Pain With Squat Exercise

    Squats are one of the best exercise you can do. Not only do they work all of your major lower body muscles, they are also the key to a firm butt and healthy knees, and are a very functional movement too. Every time you sit down and stand back up again, you are doing a squat. Climbing a flight of ...

  • Be My Valentine Leg Workout

    Whether you play sports or just want to look good in a dress, fit, toned legs are a must. Strong legs make almost every daily activity a little easier including walking up a flight stairs, rising out of a low chair and lifting heavy objects off the floor. Making these activities easier will mean tha...

  • Rita Melifonwu — A Champion for Stroke Care in Africa

    The Radiant Health Women of Action is our list of inspiring women taking action to improve the health and well-being of African communities, whether on the continent or in diaspora.  Rita Melifonwu’s passion, vision and hard work have ignited a chain reaction in the campaign to raise stroke aw...

  • When Is The Best Time of The Day To Work Out?

    [fl]W[/fl]hen planning your workouts, there are lots of options to consider. Will you exercise at home or at the gym? Will you do cardio or lift weights? Will you exercise alone or with a personal trainer? Will you wear shorts or yoga pants?! Another thing to consider is the time at which you exe...

  • My Pregnancy Journey: Musings On My Life As An Egg With Limbs

    I am undeniably with child. At nearly 32 weeks, I have become an egg with limbs. Each day, upon a glance of my reflection in the mirror I am a combination of laughter and perplexed awe. I'm tickled by body's transformation, my middle section jutting out as if in defiance of the rest of my frame. I w...

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