Tag Archives: healthy cooking

  • Beans and Spicy Tomatoes Sauce

    This recipe is a healthy version of the famous ewa agoyin. The beans are a source of protein and the sauce is made with olive oil and lots of vegetables so you still get the agoyin taste but healthier. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:5] *Since seasoning cube is so high in sodium and yet in almost all Nig...

  • How I Lost 25 Pounds In 4 Months Without Giving Up African Food

    It was the year 2010. I had had my first baby and she was coming up on eight months old. I had not lost an ounce of my baby weight in that time; in fact, I had gained more since giving birth, despite the fact that I had tried to incorporate a bit of exercise into my life in order to get back into sh...

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  • jollofrice

    Thoughts on #jollofgate Plus Jollof Rice Recipe

    A few weeks ago I logged on to Facebook like I normally do towards the end of my day and I began scrolling through my news feed. I came across a post in a group I am a member of. The post was a recipe by the world acclaimed TV chef, Jamie Oliver. I followed the link to the recipe and the picture I s...

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