Tag Archives: meningitis

  • Nigerian Comedienne Rape Joke Gone Too Far

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 31 March 2017  Rape Is a Crime, Not Fodder for Comedians [fl]Y[/fl]ou may have heard that a Nigeria comedian recently claimed that women being raped should accept it and try to enjoy the assault while it was happening. And, that comedian was a female – Etinosa. Ac...

  • Mass Meningitis Vaccination Underway in Nigeria. Here’s How to Get Yours

    [fl]I[/fl]n the last week, it appears that 1000 new cases of meningitis have been reported and the death toll has reached over 330. While the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control works to ramp up testing and reporting, they’re also rolling out 500,000 vaccinations. This isn’t anywhere close enoug...

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  • Should You Still Drink Sprite and Fanta Produced in Nigeria?

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 24 March 2017 Soft Drinks Have Always Been a Problem  [fl]I[/fl]n Nigeria, Sprite and Fanta are under the spotlight. It all began when a Nigerian businessman in the UK imported these beverages from home for sale in his UK shops. Customs halted the importation, claim...

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