Tag Archives: Nigerian food

  • african swallow food

    Plantain Amala

    [fl]D[/fl]id you know plantain is often used as an alternative to cassava when making “swallows”. It is relatively healthier as it contains fewer calories than cassava and is richer in fibre and vitamin A. So try something different today and help yourself to this simple plantain amala recipe! ...

  • moin moin recipe

    Recipe: Moin-Moin With Unpeeled Beans

    Why is it that we peel our beans to prepare moin-moin? Besides time saved, there may be more good reasons to skip this step. With this recipe,  you can maximize the nutritious benefits of moin-moin without sacrificing taste.   Making traditional Nigerian moin moin often involves meticu...

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  • 9 Nigerian Swallows Food For Every Palate

      Nigerian swallows are quintessential side dishes that form an integral part of the country's culinary tradition. These starchy, hand-molded doughs, typically served alongside soups and stews, are used to scoop and savor the rich, delicious flavors of Nigerian soups. This article is your ulti...

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