Tag Archives: new year’s resolutions

  • New Year, New(-ly Integrated) You

    New Year, New(-ly Integrated) You

    Shout out to all the “New-New’s” out there. “New year, new me!” statuses are here! For many of us, the start of the year feels like a fresh opportunity. It’s a new start (or a second, or a third…) at our goals. All year long, we are steeped in a culture of novelty and improvement,...

  • self-care plan

    Winning in 2018: The Importance of A Self-Care Plan

    [fl]I[/fl]t’s 2018, and as the first month of the already not-so-new year has wrapped up, we are all trying our best to stay on track with our resolutions. On January first we set our plans into motion. Hopefully, by the 21st the new actions became habits, and by the 31st it was smooth sailing...

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  • vision boarding

    Redo Your New Year’s Resolutions with A Vision Board

    How are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? Have you already forgotten what you promised yourself to change on New Year’s Eve? Well, no wonder! The articles and stats published everywhere this time of year practically prove that New Year’s resolutions are a lost cause. So, if the res...

  • 5 Beauty Resolutions To Try For A Healthier, Beautiful You

    New Year Resolution overload. Literally EVERYONE is making resolutions. I won’t even ask if these resolutions are new ones or old ones. I am just going to tag along and add beauty resolutions to your list. There's more to beauty than what you put on your skin. Follow one or all of these beauty ...

  • New Year resolutions

    How to Make 2015 Your Re(New)al Year

    [fl]“[/fl]I’m going to lose weight and get fit this year.” “I am going to get a better job and become more financially responsible.” “I am going to go back to school.” New Year’s Resolutions. Almost everyone makes them – yet by the end of the month, many of them are abando...

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