Tag Archives: recipe

  • chocolate cake

    A New Twist on a Classic: Cassava Flour Chocolate Cake

    There is something decadent and luxurious about a chocolate cake that makes it a very hard treat to resist. Whether you are happy or heartbroken, despondent or euphoric, a good slice of cake doesn’t go amiss. In this recipe, I have added a special motherland twist to this famous recipe in the ...

  • african swallow food

    Plantain Amala

    [fl]D[/fl]id you know plantain is often used as an alternative to cassava when making “swallows”. It is relatively healthier as it contains fewer calories than cassava and is richer in fibre and vitamin A. So try something different today and help yourself to this simple plantain amala recipe! ...

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  • Popcorn Shrimp

    A lot of us have those days when we crave something battered and deep-fried. Rather than indulge now and pay the price later at the gym, try this alternative popcorn shrimp recipe. It is light and flavorful without the unnecessary grease and calories. Serves: 1 | Preparation Time: 15 minutes | Co...

  • Roasted Chicken with Potatoes and Carrots

    This baked chicken with fresh herbs and root vegetables is a filling yet healthy meal for those weeknights when you need something that is fuss free to cook. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:2]      ...

  • Kale Efo Recipe: When You’re “In The Abroad” and Native Food Calleth

    It can be sometimes challenging for Africans in disapora to find fresh native vegetables for our traditional dishes.  This recipe is a modified version of Nigeria's vegetable soup, efo-riro, using kale in lieu of efo-tete or fluted pumpkin (ugwu) leaves. Kale (or borecole), one of the heal...

  • Moin-Moin: To Peel Or Not To Peel The Beans

    I recently made a batch of moin moin. As I meticulously peeled each cowpea (beans), I found myself wondering if all the work was worth the effort. Known as dehulling, peeling the entire outer shell of the cowpea is a step that many-a-Nigerian-cook deems essential in the pursuit of perfect moin mo...

  • Pan-Seared-Tilapia

    [Recipe] Pan-Seared Tilapia in Tomato and 4-Pepper Sauce

    For an easy, fresh and healthy meal, this pan-seared tilapia recipe hits it just right with its delicious tomato and 4-pepper sauce... [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:45] https://youtu.be/fJ01u9dMPAc [subscribe-form] [/subscribe-form]...

  • Whole-Wheat Chin-Chin

    [Recipe] Oven Baked Whole-Wheat Chin-Chin

    The widely popular (and addictive) pastry snack takes on a healthy twist and it only takes 20 minutes! We hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:44] [subscribe-form] [/subscribe-form]...

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