Tag Archives: Nigerian cuisine

  • moin moin recipe

    Recipe: Moin-Moin With Unpeeled Beans

    Why is it that we peel our beans to prepare moin-moin? Besides time saved, there may be more good reasons to skip this step. With this recipe,  you can maximize the nutritious benefits of moin-moin without sacrificing taste.   Making traditional Nigerian moin moin often involves meticu...

  • Creating A Healthier Diet On Nigerian Cuisine

    [fl]F[/fl]rom the savory meats to rich rice dishes, food is definitely a staple in Nigerian culture. However, a diet heavy in meat and carbohydrates can become a huge barrier when it comes to weight loss and healthy living. You've probably been to a doctor or personal trainer who told you to cut o...

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  • 9 Nigerian Swallows Food For Every Palate

      Nigerian swallows are quintessential side dishes that form an integral part of the country's culinary tradition. These starchy, hand-molded doughs, typically served alongside soups and stews, are used to scoop and savor the rich, delicious flavors of Nigerian soups. This article is your ulti...

  • 11 Foodists with a Fervor for Nigerian Cooking

    We couldn’t very well delve into African cuisine without paying homage to the chow closest to our own cultural home. No matter how intimate our knowledge may be of Nigerian recipes, there’s always something new and wonderful to learn about this ever-flourishing fare. Here are 11 Nigerian meal-lo...

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