Tag Archives: radiant news digest

  • Ebola Strikes Again! 17 Deaths Confirmed

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 11 May 2018 Ebola Strikes Again [fl]I[/fl]n West Africa Ebola isn’t something that just goes away, even when an outbreak is declared over and the last international doctor leaves. The virus causing acute hemorrhagic fever has been cropping up more frequently over ...

  • Vitamin B6

    Vitamin B6 Helps You Relive Your Dreams

    RH Weekly News Roundup –4 May 2018 Dream On!  [fl]A[/fl] recent Australian study has found a link between vitamin B6 and dreams. In a randomised, double-blind study, participants were given a pill to take immediately before bed for five consecutive days. When compared to those that took a...

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  • vaginal cleaning

    Can Vaginal Cleaning Actually Cause Infection?

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 27 April 2018 Can vaginal cleaning actually cause infection? [fl]A[/fl] recent study from the University of Guelph (Canada) has found a link between the use of vaginal hygiene products and infection. Past research has shown the dangers of douching, including bacter...

  • sleep deprivation

    Sleep Deprivation Could Be Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 20 April 2018 Get Your Beauty Sleep! [fl]R[/fl]esearch continues to accumulate confirming the importance of a good night’s sleep. Proper sleep has been linked to improved diet and mood, as well as reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and typ...

  • stomach-cancer

    Brushing Your Teeth Helps Prevent Stomach Cancer

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 13 April 2018   Brushing Your Teeth Helps Prevent... Stomach Cancer  [fl]Y[/fl]ou’ve probably been brushing your teeth so you can keep your smile in order. But, there’s a deeper reason to make sure you don’t skip a bedtime brushing session... deeper in your ...

  • Improve Your Focus Through Meditation

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 6 April 2018 Ready, Set, Om... [fl]R[/fl]esearch continues to accumulate about the health and mental benefits of a regular meditation practice. A recent study examined how meditation could be used to help practitioners remain attentive and focused regardless of age. ...

  • counterfeit drugs

    A High-Tech Solution For Fighting Counterfeit Drugs

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 30 March 2018 A High-Tech Solution [fl]A[/fl]ccording to a recent report from the World Health Organisation, counterfeit drugs are a growing problem worldwide. Based on data from over 88 countries, one in ten medical products circulating in low and middle-income c...

  • Marielle Franco

    #MariellePresente and the Demand for Justice

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 23 March 2018 #MariellePresente and the Demand for Justice  [fl]N[/fl]o matter where you live in the world, it’s tough to be a black woman. In Africa, the state of healthcare combined with gender violence across much of the continent makes it frightful, and in the...

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