Tag Archives: radiant news digest

  • Crescendo Fasting Doesn’t Have Scientific Backing

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 29 September 2017 Crescendo Fasting Doesn’t Have Scientific Backing  [fl]Y[/fl]ou may have heard about the new waves of fasting diets that are experiencing popularity at the moment. One, known as the crescendo fasting diet, is commonly believed to be better for w...

  • changing-climate

    The Changing Climate Is Changing Your Diet

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 22 September 2017 The Changing Climate Is Changing Your Diet [fl]N[/fl]o matter where in the world you live, the food you eat today is different than it was a few decades ago. Even the most nutritious crops are losing their food values through environmental changes. ...

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  • No Desire? You’re Not Alone

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 15 September 2017 No Desire? You’re Not Alone [fl]R[/fl]elationships are not an easy task for anyone; they require so many different levels of give-and-take that it’s not surprising that some things fall by the wayside every now and again. And if television relat...

  • stop-the=spread-of-hiv

    What Does It Take to Stop the Spread of HIV/AIDS?

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 8 September 2017 What Does It Take to Stop the Spread of HIV/AIDS? [fl]A[/fl]fter South Africa, Nigeria has the second highest prevalence rate for HIV/AIDS in the world. And, mother-to-child transmissions continue despite the government’s pledge to erase this metho...

  • Men May Be Stronger, But Women Last Way Longer

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 1 September 2017 Women’s Basketball Team Takes Gold [fl]Y[/fl]ou’ve got to love it when female sports teams do well – and when they compete in a competition, undefeated from game one to gold, it’s even better. That’s exactly what the Nigerian women’s bask...

  • No Way You’re Going to the Gym? No Worries!

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 24 August 2017 No Way You’re Going to the Gym? No Worries [fl]Y[/fl]ou’ve got to love it when a fabulous singer, dancer, and fitness instructor are all rolled into one gorgeous woman. It’s even better when she understands that not everyone can afford an expensi...

  • International Breastfeeding Week

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 4 August 2017 Toll-Free Number Making a Difference for Girls [fl]W[/fl]e all know how hard it is to grow up as a girl; it’s tough enough for those that have safety, security, and strong role models – and the majority of Nigerian girls simply don’t. Who are thes...

  • Will a 5-Minute Workout Make Any Difference?

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 28 July 2017 Will Gender Equality Ever Be Realised in Nigeria? [fl]T[/fl]his week the Senate voted on the issue of enforcing affirmative action for women in federal and state governments. The bill set the minimum number of roles to be occupied by women at 35 percent....

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