Tag Archives: soup

  • creamy-coconut-scotch-bonnet-soup

    Creamy Coconut, Corn and Scotch Bonnet Soup

    [fl]W[/fl]ith the perfect balance of sweetness, spice and the creaminess of coconut, this hearty soup is sure to brighten up any dull day. This is comfort food at its finest - simple enough to serve as a go-to lunch or dinner and impressive enough to wow your guests at a dinner party. Use organic ...

  • Kale Efo Recipe: When You’re “In The Abroad” and Native Food Calleth

    It can be sometimes challenging for Africans in disapora to find fresh native vegetables for our traditional dishes.  This recipe is a modified version of Nigeria's vegetable soup, efo-riro, using kale in lieu of efo-tete or fluted pumpkin (ugwu) leaves. Kale (or borecole), one of the heal...

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  • Bitter Leaf Soup (Efo-Elewuro)

    Efo is the Yoruba word for vegetable and is used as a prefix in vegetable-based soups. This recipe is an adaptation of one of my grandmother’s favorite dishes to cook for us. The combination of tender greens like efo-tete (green amaranth) and young ewuro (bitter leaf) with locust beans, flaky mack...

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