Tag Archives: health

  • Do Hair Relaxers Increase Your Risk of Uterine Fibroids?

    It is no secret that many women of color have decided to return to their roots – Afro puffs, kinky twists, kinky curls, waves, braids and bantu knots have all become extremely popular in the last ten years or so. This trend also happens to come during a time of growing speculation that perming or ...

  • portion control

    A Simple Guide To Portion Control

    [fl]W[/fl]e know that we need to watch our portions but what exactly is a portion? While the most exact way of ensuring correct portion size is to measure food served using scales, measuring cups and spoons, nutritionists agree that there may be a few simpler but more sustainable way of estimating...

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  • Editor’s Note: Let’s Hop Back On The Bandwagon!

    Happy 2015! Now that we’re two weeks into the new year, how are you doing with the changes you vowed to make this year? While taking stock of my 2014, one big irony emerged: the year I started a health magazine to help others live a healthier life was my least healthy year. Shocking, to say ...

  • 15 Healthy Habits For 2015

    Welcome to 2015! A new year and another chance to get things done right. If you are like most people, you have made a commitment to do something better than you did last year. If improving your health is on your agenda, here are 15 habits to incorporate in your lifestyle and get the new year started...

  • How to Set Attainable Health and Fitness Goals

    A goal is like a beacon, it is a destination to which all your actions are geared. [fl]W[/fl]hether you have ever written it down or not, you have a vision for what you want your life to be like. Today’s goal is to guide you to put down the vision you have for your health on paper, so that you ca...

  • The New Nigerian Health Bill and What It Means To You

    This past December, while we were all busy making preparations for our holiday festivities, President Goodluck Jonathan signed Nigeria’s landmark National Health Bill into law. Originally conceived in 2004, the bill replaces the country’s previous health policy, which was enacted in 1988, and...

  • anemia

    Anemia In Pregnancy

    Anemia is a medical condition in which there is a lack of healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to carry oxygen throughout the body, supplying tissue and organs, and mediating essential functions. When the tissues don't get adequate oxygen, organs and functions deteriorate. In pregnancy, anemia is associ...

  • Mango Lassi

    Loaded with anti-oxidants and high in vitamins, Mango Lassi is a real sweet, but guilt-free, treat. Try this easy-to-follow Mango Lassi recipe and serve yourself and loved ones with a delightful drink any time of day. Serves 2 | Preparation  time: 10 minutes [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:21] Never...

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