Tag Archives: exercise

  • Weekend Challenge: Spiderman Plank

    Get A Defined Back And Lean Core With The Spiderman Plank [fl]T[/fl]he spiderman plank is an advanced version of the regular plank and will get those abs working hard! Get into a regular plank position, balancing the upper body on the forearms and toes, the rest of the body flat like a table t...

  • Hit the Gym

    No Really, It’s Time to Hit the Gym

    RH Weekly News Roundup - 26 October 2018 No Really, It’s Time to Hit the Gym [fl]W[/fl]e all want to be fit, but a recent study claims that not exercising is actually more harmful to your health than smoking. From 1991 to 2014, the Cleveland Clinic collected data from over 122,000 patients ...

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  • are you exercising enough

    Not Getting Enough Exercise? You’re Not Alone

    RH Weekly News Roundup - 7 September 2018 Are You Exercising Enough? [fl]N[/fl]ot getting enough exercise? You’re hardly alone. According to a study by the World Health Organisation (WHO) which was recently published by The Lancet, over a quarter of adults fail to achieve recommended minim...

  • music and exercise

    The Positive Correlation Between Music and Exercise

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 9 March 2018 The Positive Correlation Between Music and Exercise [fl]T[/fl]here have been several studies that highlight the positive effect of music upon health in general and upon exercise specifically. Recent studies are developing an even more detailed picture t...

  • heal-through-exercise

    Sexual Assault Victims Heal Through Exercise

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 17 November 2017 Sexual Assault Victims Heal Through Exercise [fl]N[/fl]o one knows just how many women in Nigeria or the world have experienced rape or attempted rape. Blurry lines of what constitutes abuse are one reason. For example, many don’t consider it rape ...

  • 5 Benefits of A Good Stretch And How To Get Them

    Stretching happens naturally.  It is so instinctive that you may not even notice yourself doing it.  But, if you focus on what you do all day, you will find that you stretch a lot more than you realise.  It starts first thing in the morning, as you step out of bed and most people do not stop stre...

  • Diet or Exercise: Which Is Better for Weight Loss?

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 2 June 2017 Less Than a Week until the Africa Health Exhibition  [fl]F[/fl]rom 7 to 9 June, you’ll find a network of health care solutions and providers under one roof in Johannesburg, South Africa. And, Radiant Health Magazine is one of the sponsors of the Africa...

  • 3-steps-to-stick-to-work-out

    Three Steps To Make Exercise A Habit

    [fl]S[/fl] tarting and sticking to a workout program doesn’t have to be rocket science or require herculean discipline. What it takes is making your quest to workout more personal to you by understanding why you are doing it; picking a workout plan that you actually like; and charting the cour...

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