Tag Archives: health and wellness

  • Defeating Diabetes

    Defeating Diabetes: The Best Way to Beat It Is to Never Develop It

    [fl]D[/fl]iabetes is a disease that has devastating consequences. In addition to increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke, it is a major cause of blindness, amputation and kidney failure. According to the Nigerian Diabetes Foundation, Nigeria has the highest rates of diabetes in Africa and ...

  • Men Lose Weight Faster

    It’s (Sadly) True: Men Lose Weight Faster than Women

    Radiant Health Weekly Website News – 17 August 2018 It’s (Sadly) True: Men Lose Weight Faster than Women [fl]I[/fl]f you’ve ever tried to diet with your husband and been disappointed that his loss outstripped yours, you’re not alone. A new study, published in Diabetes, Obesity and Meta...

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  • Emelyne Museaux

    Emelyne Museaux: Life Under the Shadow of Pain

    This is part of our Woman Interrupted series for Radiant Issue No.11, The Survivor Issue. Out now at newsstands worldwide.  [fl]O[/fl]ne rule dominates the road at intersections: stop. Cars and pedestrians move to the rhythms of the red-light signal, the stop sign, and the unspoken rules of the ...

  • World AIDS Day

    World AIDS Day: Where Does Nigeria Stand?

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 1 December 2017  World AIDS Day: Where Does Nigeria Stand? [fl]W[/fl]orld AIDS Day occurs on 1 December annually and this year’s Nigerian theme is “Right to Health – Making it Happen”. So, where exactly does the country stand in the fight against HIV and AID...

  • evening-walk

    An Evening Walk Is Better for You Than You Think

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 10 November 2017 An Evening Walk Is Better for You Than You Think [fl]G[/fl]etting out from behind your desk or off the couch is always good – and we’ve always known it to be beneficial. But, researchers had no idea just how powerful moderate-to-vigorous physical...

  • fighting-for-good-health

    Fighting for Good Health at Ground Level (Literally)

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 3 November 2017 Fighting for Good Health at Ground Level (Literally) [fl]A[/fl]Anyone who’s spent time in a house with dirt floors knows just how much trouble they can be. But it’s more than just mud when it rains and rats scurrying into the corner. Dirt floors ...

  • Understanding Vitiligo

    The disease. Vitiligo is a disease which causes the skin to lose color in patches. Some people will have a few patches, others many more. The condition isn't contagious or life-threatening, but it can be emotionally devastating. It affects people of all skin colors and ethnicities, men and women, eq...

  • When Artificial Food Colour Hurts

    Raise your hand if you are a mother  who has ever given her child a  brightly coloured treat, only to observe him/her transform into a little menace, literally bouncing off the wall, talking excessively and running around as if they had a battery driving them on! As you helplessly watched them ...

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