Tag Archives: radiant news digest

  • Trump’s Win Might Send Women’s Health Into The Last Century

    RH Weekly News Roundup –11 November 2016 Trump’s Win Might Send Women’s Health into the Last Century [fl]T[/fl]he world was stunned when American voters turned out for Donald Trump in state after state during the election. As it was announced that the republicans had won the election, ma...

  • Nigerian Doctor Delivers the Same Baby Twice

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 4 November 2016 Nigerian Doctor Delivers the Same Baby Twice [fl]Y[/fl]ou’ve never heard anything as amazing as this! (We promise.) A Nigerian doctor working in the United States delivered the same baby twice – 13 weeks apart. When it was discovered that baby Lyn...

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  • Is Nigeria A Terrible Place To Be A Girl?

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 28 October 2016 Nigeria Is a Terrible Place to Be a Girl [fl]A[/fl]ccording to the Girls’ Opportunity Index Report released by Save the Children, Nigeria is the ninth worst place to be a girl. Sure, they only looked at 144 countries, but that’s still a terrible f...

  • Women in the “Other Room”

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 21 October 2016 Chibok Girls Freed! [fl]T[/fl]wenty-one of the captive Chibok girls were freed by Boko Haram in the past week. And, President Buhari remains optimistic that another 83 will find themselves in the same position shortly. Given the harrowing stories told...

  • UK Clamp on Foreigners Delivering Babies at NHS Hospitals

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 14 October 2016 UK Clamp on Foreigners Delivering Babies at NHS Hospitals  [fl]B[/fl]y now you’ve heard of Bimbo Ayelabola, the Nigerian mother of quintuplets. Her babies were born by caesarean at a hospital in the UK... and she hasn’t paid a cent towards her me...

  • What You Need To Know About Heart Attacks Right Now

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 7 October 2016 Breastfeeding? What Should You Eat? [fl]F[/fl]or months you were eating for two; now that baby is here, do you still need to eat as much? And what about alcohol, caffeine, and trying to get your body back into shape? You might be surprised at the most ...

  • Poor Diets Worse Than Smoking, Drinking, Or Having Unprotected Sex

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 30 September 2016 Young Women Make a Difference (Even in Northern Nigeria) [fl]C[/fl]an you believe it? A 25-year-old is the head of Argungu city. That’s a female 25-year-old. Wait, we’ll take it even further. That’s a 25-year-old, unmarried female. Wow! That...

  • Dirty Fuel Makes Its Way to Nigeria

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 23 September 2016 [fl]D[/fl]irty Fuel Makes Its Way to Nigeria If you’re experiencing difficulty breathing, it may just be pollution. Unfortunately, it’s not going to get better any time soon. A Swiss watchdog group has blown the whistle on the sale of unsafe pet...

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